Well, it’s been two weeks since I stated here at Citrus Three. In that time, I have learned something very important…I NEED A NEW LAPTOP.
I have sat through countless meetings, filmed hours of in-office antics, and suffered heat stroke in a truck with a broken A/C and passenger window (not really, but that sucker is HOT). I am quite enjoying my time here!
I’ve gotten comfortable with my work flow so far and an understanding of what the guys want in the daily vlog series I’ve been putting together. If you haven’t seen the Daily Dose yet, I would love for you guys to check it out.
I’m halfway through this internship now and I can’t believe time has flown by this fast. I’m told that when this company starts getting more business that they’ll be able to hire me as an employee. I look forward to that day.
Sometimes business is slow and we really don’t have much going on in the office, so the “daily vlog” isn’t always a daily occurrence. A couple of days ago, for example, there was nothing going on but meetings (that couldn’t be filmed) all day, so not much footage for vlogs.
The guys have been super cool to work with as well. Curtis is a pretty swell dude, always keeping spirits up in the office and expressing his enthusiasm for social media marketing during interviews. Dustin is the more serious one, making sure actual work is getting done while nailing sick free throws. Tom is always fun to talk to; listening to him talk about his work in the art and animation industry is super interesting to me.
Well, that’s it for me. I’ll write at least one more installment by the end of the internship. I’ve really enjoyed my time here so far.
Until next time, fellow humans!